Settlement Services
Overview of Settlement Services:
Settling in Canada may appear easy, but it has its own challenges that vary among individuals based on their expectations and preparedness. Our Settlement Services has been designed to support and assist newcomers and their families successfully settle and fully integrate in their new social and economic environment in Canada.
Our friendly and experienced settlement professionals can help you with your needs during the process of settling into a new community and to adjust to your new life in Canada.
Among others, some of the major areas of support we provide are:
- What you must know about landing process at Pearson International Airport of Mississauga and about initial transportation based on family size and number of pieces of luggage, note that you will have to pay for your own fares;
- Arranging temporary accommodations in bed and breakfast hotels for initial few days and thereafter assisting to a place to live, namely, rental accommodation for longer periods and furnishings, if unfurnished;
- Assisting to apply for basic cards for new immigrants, namely social insurance number, health cards, public transportation cards, etc;
- Assist in the opening of bank accounts at a bank of your choice, and brief you on banking products available on the market;
- Assist in the registration with employment agencies, drafting of resume and help in job searches, assist in children’s schooling, etc;
- Assistance for any other cognate matters in your settlement process, including driving licenses, property purchase, business set up, etc.
Arranging Accommodation:
Most flats and basements are rented unfurnished, thus in addition to the rental cost, you will have to make provision for cost of purchasing new or second-hand furnishings. Additionally for someone who is new and consequently does not have a credit history in Canada, owners and building mangers may ask for 2 to 3 months advance deposit over and above any prepayment charges.
Social insurance number – SIN:
This is the first and foremost application to be done after landing, as you must provide your SIN to take part in most government programs and to your employer for income tax matters and benefits. Now you can apply and get your SIN at the airport itself on the day of landing. A CBSa Officer will direct you while doing your landing formalities.
Health Cards:
Health Cards allow for the use of hospitals, health clinics and rebates on costs of medications. However, note that there is a 3 months waiting period from landing date, before being eligible for the coverage. It is advisable to have private health insurance during that period, as medicals expenses quickly add up into the $000’s.
Bank Account:
In Canada usage of cash money is not common, at some places they do not accept cash bills of $50 and above. Payments are mostly made by cards and opening a bank account is essential, to also deposit all cash and other instruments you may have with you. It is also important to get a credit card with the bank you shall start dealing with, this helps to build your credit history, which will be a key element at a later stage when applying for any mortgage or other credit facilities.
Finding work in Canada:
To find work in Canada is a combination of the right mindset, right referral and right employment agency. It takes some three months to get the first job, that need not necessarily be in your filed and may even be an entry-level job. Part of our services will be in educating you about the job market, assist in the writing of resume and cover letters, and helping you find a job.
Lifetime Immigration is ready to assist you with all information, assessments and filing assistance!
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- 29 Pagebrook Dr, Etobicoke, ON, M9P 1P4, Canada
- 2nd Floor, Popular Printing Building, 12 Leoville L'homme Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
- +16472236314
- +23052519739/+23052582151
- info@lifetimeimmigration.com