Understanding the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP)

Understanding the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP)

The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) is a popular pathway for individuals seeking to immigrate to Alberta, Canada. This article addresses frequently asked questions about various aspects of the program, including its Expression of Interest system, education credentials, job offers, work experience, and regulated occupation certification.

Expression of Interest (EOI) System

How Invitations Are Issued
Invitations to apply under the AAIP depend on multiple factors, such as points scores, Alberta’s labor market needs, application volumes, and available program nominations. While the points grid is significant, other considerations—like occupations or sectors in demand—can influence selection, regardless of a candidate’s points score.

Evaluation and Points Assessment
Candidates’ claimed points are assessed twice: during the invitation to apply and the application evaluation for nomination. Discrepancies in claimed points can lead to the cancellation of an invitation or application rejection to maintain fairness.
Applicants should note that an invitation to apply is not guaranteed, and application processing timelines may vary. Candidates must also meet all stream-specific criteria for their application to proceed.

Education Credentials

Points for Educational Achievements
Points are awarded based on the highest level of education achieved, whether in Canada or internationally. Lower-level credentials, such as a high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) certificate, do not qualify for points.

Educational Credentials Earned Outside Canada
For foreign qualifications, candidates must rely on their Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an IRCC-designated organization. Lower-level Canadian credentials do not contribute additional points.

Recognition of Canadian Institutions
To claim points for Canadian qualifications, the awarding institution must be on Canada’s Designated Institutions List. However, this recognition does not guarantee eligibility under AAIP’s specific evaluation criteria.

Claiming Points for Post-Graduate Studies
Candidates with Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degrees who pursued further studies in Canada may claim the post-graduate qualification as their highest level of education. Additional points are available for completing education in Alberta or elsewhere in Canada.

Regulated Occupation Certification

Claiming Points for Regulated Occupations
Candidates with job offers in regulated occupations can claim points if they meet certification or licensing requirements. Eligible professions and trades are listed under Alberta’s Foreign Qualification Recognition guidelines. A valid provisional or full license is mandatory for eligibility.

Designated Trades
Designated and regulated trades qualify if candidates hold a valid Alberta Qualification Certificate or trade certification recognized by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training.

Job Offers

Points for Rural Employment
Candidates with job offers outside the metropolitan areas of Calgary and Edmonton earn additional points, supporting Alberta’s focus on rural economic development.

Permanent, Full-Time Employment
Job offers must be permanent and non-seasonal full-time positions. Seasonal, part-time, or casual roles do not qualify.

Tourism and Hospitality Stream
Under this stream, candidates with job offers from employers in specific sector associations can earn an additional 6 points. Eligibility extends to individuals with or without work permits, provided they meet criteria such as holding a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or qualifying under federal special measures related to the 2024 wildfires.

Work Experience

Requirements for Claiming Points
Work experience can span multiple occupations, with no restrictions on when it was gained. To qualify, the experience must be full-time, paid, and authorized if completed in Canada. Stream-specific work experience requirements vary, so candidates must review criteria carefully.


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