Immigration Inventories and Backlogs

Immigration Inventories and Backlogs

IRCC Decreases Immigration Inventories and Backlogs

As of August 2024, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is grappling with substantial challenges related to immigration inventories and backlogs. The most recent data, updated on June 30, 2024, reveals a total of 2,292,400 applications under processing. Of these, 1,355,800 are within service standards, while 936,600 have exceeded these standards, contributing to the backlog. This represents an increase from the previous month.


IRCC’s Action Plan to Address Application Backlogs

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has unveiled a comprehensive action plan to tackle the backlog of permanent residence applications that accumulated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key objectives of the plan include:

  • Establishing clear service standards for all application types by December 31, 2024.
  • Processing 80% of applications within these service standards.
  • Examining and monitoring the use of automated decision-making tools to identify and reduce disparities in processing times by April 2025.

Current Backlog Statistics

As per the latest data, IRCC has 2.22 million applications for permanent residence, temporary residence, and citizenship in its inventory. The backlog percentages are as follows:

  • 43.7% of temporary residence applications (such as visitor, study, and work permits) are backlogged.
  • 40.3% of permanent residency applications are backlogged.
  • 17.1% of citizenship applications exceed service standards.

Measures to Reduce the Backlog

IRCC is implementing several initiatives to streamline processes and enhance capacity to reduce the backlog:

  • Hiring additional staff for core processing and support roles.
  • Modernizing IT systems and developing new digital tools to automate parts of the workflow.
  • Receiving increased funding to support technology upgrades, staffing, and office space expansion.
  • Opening new processing centers and expanding existing capacities.
  • Reviewing and simplifying application processes to eliminate unnecessary steps.
  • Using advanced data analytics to better forecast application volumes and adjust resources.
  • Enhancing collaboration with other government departments and stakeholders.

Impact on Applicants

These measures aim to reduce processing times and provide quicker responses to applicants, leading to a more efficient immigration system with timely updates on applications. While IRCC aims to process 80% of applications within service standards, some complex cases may require more detailed assessment. The department is committed to regularly monitoring processing times and reallocating resources as needed to ensure fairness and efficiency across all application types.

Projections are estimates based on current operating conditions and may change. They don’t account for sharp increases in received applications, urgent shifts in priorities, or other unforeseen circumstances affecting IRCC operations.

2022-2024 Percentage of backlog – Actual and Projected

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