Express Entry 158th Draw- No program Specified_August 05, 2020

Express Entry 158th Draw- No program Specified_August 05, 2020

On August 05, 2020, the All-program Express Entry draw was held in which a total of 3,900 ITAs were issued to Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) candidates. The minimum CRS score was 476, two points lower than the previous all-program invitation round on July 8, 2020. IRCC ranks candidates in the Express Entry pool using a point-based system known as the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). The highest-ranking candidates are selected from the pool and invited to apply for permanent residence.

CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of August 04, 2020

The numbers in this table reflect the total number of people in the pool overall, a few days before an invitation round. The score distribution may change as people submit new profiles and other profiles expire.

Note: The table numbers in italics are a detailed breakdown of the bold number immediately above.

Candidates who submitted their profile before July 27, 2020, at 01:02:47 UTC were issued Invitation to Apply (ITAs). If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.

August 05, 2020, Express Entry all-program draw is the 7th draw of 2020. The last draw was held on July 08, 2020, in which 3,900 ITAs were issued to FSWP candidates and the CRS requirement was 478.

The total ITAs so far this year amounts to 61,600 as illustrated by the graph below.


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